Hello and welcome.
Here is a quote from a JW magazine at their official website:
Some have made considerable improvement by using the suggestions that have been discussed. There are cases where additional help may be necessary. Some, for example, have been helped by medication.# Others have sought the help of a mental-health expert. Awake! does not recommend or endorse any particular kind of treatment. Whether a Christian pursues such treatment is a personal decision. He should be careful, however, that any treatment he receives does not conflict with Bible principles. http://www.watchtower.org/e/19980722/article_03.htm
All I know is, it can be very confusing being a Witness, especially growing up as one. The things they say, as here, can sound very balanced and reasonable and yet, might not fully reveal what one has learned as a JW in a controlling JW environs for years.
As a JW, I would have interpreted this article, according to everything else I had read and learned and experienced as a JW, to be saying that even though this is a "personal decision" and medication and expert help might be beneficial, they are not really worth the risk to your good standing with God, since mental health professionals are usually not JWs and might advocate something that violates what the Governing Body of JWs tells you are the Bible's principles. So it is better just to pray and go door to door and read the Bible via their "Bible-based" publications more, and follow some of their simple recommendations. I would have thought that since the Awake! does not endorse any particular kind of treatment then I had better not seek out any beyond what they themselves offer.
That is how I would have read it. Others might read it differently, according to their own experience and understanding. I remember unofficial verbal warnings and anecdotes in the congregation I attended, that made me feel expert mental health assistance was, more often than not, dangerous to true Christians (i.e. JWs). It was not forbidden, that I recall, and yet was discouraged. But when I mentioned this to my JW mother some years later, she didn't remember it that way and didn't really seem to know what I was talking about.